November 14, 2022July 16, 2023 The Successful Businessman – Story on Over Confidence In one of the tier-1 cities, there was a successful businessman, who was handling a group of industries. He was both a hard & smart worker. Due to his intelligence, he reached heights in the business within a short span of time. Everyone used to praise him for his success and used to invite him to many events. He started building over-confidence along with his richness. In one instance, he came across a situation where he had to compete with an unsuccessful businessman. Since the successful businessman was very confident in his own success over the unsuccessful businessman, he blindly entered the market without proper planning. On the other side, the competitor worked hard by keeping all his intelligence & manpower. Though he knew he is yet to compete with the top businessman in the city, he believed in himself and strived all ways to reach success. Finally this time, to everyone’s astonishment, the unsuccessful businessman defeated the successful businessman and achieved success. Now, the weakest businessman leads himself to the top through his confidence, hard work & intelligence. Everyone congratulated him for his most successful & unimaginable moment ever. Morals of The Successful Businessman Story Never underestimate the weakest opponent.Confidence will boost your success, but overconfidence sinks the ship. Spread The Love Moral Stories Stories on Overconfidence