Short Moral Story On Truth

Green Blob
Green Leaf

A shepherd by the name of Ronnie once cared for a flock of sheep.  He decided to fool someone one day out of boredom.  He yelled, “Help! Wolf! Please assist!”

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Green Leaf

The villagers were fooled by the boy's claim that there were no wolves.  They left after realizing they had been tricked. He continued to use this trick to get attention.

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Green Leaf

But when a real wolf came and attacked his sheep, no one believed him and the sheep were killed. Ronnie Cried and questioned the villagers for not assisting him.

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Green Leaf

The elderly villager consoled Ronnie saying that "A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth."

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Green Leaf

Lying and deceiving others can lead to serious consequences, and it can make it difficult for people to trust you even when you are telling the truth.

Moral of the Story

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Red Section Separator
Green Leaf
Green Blob