September 24, 2023September 24, 2023 The Last Leaf Some time ago, there lived two specialists called Sue and Johnsy. They were both painters at the time and shared an apartment. Johnsy developed pneumonia and ended up in the hospital. The disease spread throughout the city and infected additional individuals. “The condition is quite bad,” the doctor told Sue when he visited Johnsy. Johnsy appears to have lost all will to live.” Sue brought her painting supplies and other items from Johnsy’s room when she heard this. Sue made some soup; however, Johnsy wouldn’t have any. “Five,” she grumbled. She explained when Sue inquired about Johnsy’s meaning. There are just five leaves left on the tree now. At the point when the last leaf falls, I will go with it.” Hearing this, Sue overreacted. She went to Mr Behrman, a different artist who was also a drunk neighbour. “What?” Mr. Behrman yelled, What is this hogwash? My masterpiece hasn’t been painted yet! He yelled angrily, “We have so much to do.” He wanted his friend to be happy, after all. Sue came back after a brief conversation and began working. She worked all night while keeping an eye on Johnsy. It rained heavily for the next few days. The final leaf on the tree stubbornly held on despite hail and thunderstorms. Consistently, Johnsy would watch out and awaken the following day to see similar difficult, solitary leaves on the unfilled parts of the tree. Then, Johnsy told Sue one day, “I now realize that I have been a bad girl.” I will never again give up hope easily. The last leaf taught me a lot about how difficult it is to live a life, and I will continue to do so. The best part is that it taught me to live! He received nothing but positive news when the doctor visited soon after. He told Sue, “I have another case in this building,” before leaving. Mr. Behrman is his surname. The man’s belongings were found outside in the rain, soaking wet. His health is poor, and he may not survive. The news that Mr. Behrman had passed away arrived a few days later. Johnsy, actually recuperating, was educated by Sue. She likewise told her, “The keep going leaf on the tree was, truly, a painting. Mr. Behrman painted it one evening to help you live and find your will to live. His final work of art and eternal gift to you is the last leaf. After that, Johnsy never gave up! Moral of The Last Leaf Story Never give up on hope! Hope should never be abandoned, even in the face of the most challenging and dire circumstances. This story reminds us of the power of determination and the resilience of the human spirit, as well as the profound impact of selfless acts of kindness and friendship in nurturing hope. Read More Stories on Kindness Spread The Love Inspirational Stories Moral Stories Stories on Faith Stories on Kindness